AustriAlpin Cobra Buckles Safety Notice – January / February 2016


We have just been informed of a safety notice on the AustriAlpin Cobra buckles. Very small quantities of the COBRA® buckles manufactured have been found to be riveted incorrectly (0.0000005% = 1 out of 2 million).

This is relevant for any Abaris International who has bought any of the following products which contain these buckles:

LSYNRAS Lyon Synergy Restricted Access Stretcher
LSYNRAS DE Lyon Synergy Restricted Access Stretcher (German version)
LSYNRAS MK2 Lyon Synergy Restricted Access Stretcher MK2
LSYNRAS MK2 DE Lyon Synergy Restricted Access Stretcher MK2 (German version)
RL3000RX-V20 Kohlbrat and Bunz Roll up stretcher
RL3000GX-V20 Kohlbrat and Bunz Roll up stretcher
SK208C SKED quick release buckle system sold as an accessory for the SK200 stretcher

AustriAlpin have requested that a visual inspection is carried out on all of their COBRA® buckles. Guidance on how to carry out
the inspection can be found here.

AustriAlpin Cobra Buckles Safety Notice 2016