The new Petzl Adapt torch helmet mounting kit


The 2015 Petzl Kit Adapt allows the user to mount or unmount a Tikka type headtorch on a helmet any time, and keeps the option of adjusting the tilt of the headlamp. The new Adapt kit differs from it’s predecessor in that the male and female parts are reversed, this making the new version un-usable with the older style Tikkas.

The new Kit Adapt can be used with the following Petzl torches:

Tikkina E91HB / E91HG / E91HV
Tikka E93HB / E93HY / E93HF / E93HG
Tikka + E97HB / E97HR / E97HT / E97HG
Tikka XP E99HC / E99HN
Tactikka + E89AHB C, E89AHB N, E89AHB D
Tactikka +RGB E89BHB C, E89BHB N, E89BHB D